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Showing posts from February, 2023

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life | Choosing the Ultimate Ideal: Exploring Divine Guidance for Life

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life?  Choosing the Ultimate Ideal: Exploring Divine Guidance for Life  Who is your Role Model? People generally have the tendency to consider someone as their ideal so as to follow and become like that person in life. People choose Celebrities, historical figures, successful individuals, Parents, Elders, Leaders, Sportsperson, etc. as their ideal, but is it the best notion? Can there be a source of infinite wisdom and perfect character to guide you? Let's begin the thoughts that 'should' surround: Who do people choose as an ideal? Mostly this decision is taken considering the behavior, qualities, achievements, etc. The crux being people need someone to showcase certain level of qualities to become a follower. Suppose you have found such a person in life. But can't there be a better ideal? Can't there be someone with such qualities but at a higher level? Is it not that humans are flawed? Have you chosen the optimu